There is a great navigation tool for sifting through long documents. There is no ability to edit in that mode but you can perform actions like looking things up by highlighting the content and images can be enlarged for easier viewing.
This tool allows users to view documents as if they were looking at a printed book. Having all of your accounts accessible in one place enhances workflow. There is support for the integration of Yammer, SkyDrive, and Skype.There is support for IMPA special folders.With this version, proofing tools are separate and free to be downloaded without having to be bundled in Multilingual User Interface.There are lots of new animations and transitions and slide designs PowerPoint.The user will be able to go back to the last edited or viewed location in PowerPoint and Word.There is an online picture support with content from, ,, and Flickr.
They can be snapped to boundaries like document margins, paragraph edges, or column boundaries.
Now objects like images can be liberally moved. There is a new visualization for scheduled tasks in Outlook. The user can get 7GB of free space on SkyDrive. All work done is attached to a Microsoft account and backed up to SkyDrive, so it’s easy to access your work from anywhere. Therefore, more than one person can work at a time, while still having the app’s personalized themes. Microsoft allows for the installation of Office 365 on five different devices with a single subscription and each can have its own customizable experience that is related to each Microsoft account. In other words, Mac users will see no improvement right now. Setting up a subscription for the Mac version will only let you install Office 2011 on five Macs, with updates to the Mac version coming in the next year. So it is way easier to use, regardless of whatever device it is being used on.
Most actions are either one top/touch or one click.
The many productivity tools have been converted to support touchscreen. The screen shows ready-made designs that the user may not have considered. Instead, there is a landing screen that shows templates and other selections for creating or reopening a document. PowerPoint, Word, and Excel do not show a blank page at startup anymore. Microsoft has made a few routine operations simpler to perform from inside the apps. It was redesigned to uses white backgrounds almost everywhere, which have the appearance of less clutter.