
Indian restaurant salary slip format
Indian restaurant salary slip format

» Income: We get the following salary slip components in the income part: We can describe the salary components in two parts.

indian restaurant salary slip format

Thirdly, insert the following fields as salary components.

indian restaurant salary slip format

  • Secondly, type the headings like the following image in the first two rows of the section.
  • Firstly, create a section like the following image in cell range ( B14:F20).
  • To include salary components we will go through the following auctions. In the third step, we will include salary components in the tally salary slip format in Excel.
  • Leaves: Number of leaves an employee takes from the company.
  • Number of Working Days Attended: In this field, insert the number of working days of an employee in a particular month.
  • Total Working Days: Total working days in a month excluding government holidays.
  • Date of Joining: Here, we will add the joining date of the employee.
  • Bank Name: Type the bank name where the company will deposit the salary.
  • Bank Account Number: Input the bank account number of the employee here.
  • Identity Number: This part depends on the geographic location.
  • Designation: Type designation of the person here.
  • Employee Code: In this field, insert the employee code of the company.
  • Employee Name: Add employee name in this field.
  • Then, we will add the following fields for employee details:.
  • Next, insert the header of that section like the following image.
  • First, create a section like the following image in cell range B6 to F12.
  • Follow the below instructions to do this. In the second step of making a salary slip format in Excel, we will insert employee details.
  • Then, type the company name as the header of that Excel file in cell B4.
  • In the first step, we will add the header in our tally salary slip format in Excel. STEP 1: Add Company Name in Header Section of Slip Format So, without further delay let’s see the steps to create a salary slip format. Throughout this article, we will create this template by following some simple steps.

    indian restaurant salary slip format

    In the following image, we can see a template of tally salary slip format in Excel.

    indian restaurant salary slip format

    Step-by-Step Procedures to Create Tally Salary Slip Format in Excel

    Indian restaurant salary slip format