The Vikings (meaning “northmen”) were the last of the barbarian tribes called Germans by the Romans to terrorize Europe. because of the light structure, they could out-sail many of the Galleons from the Franks and Goths. The long elongated boat was used for fishing, trade, transport, and naval warfare. The longboat had been with the Vikings before their history was written. Once they were faced with advance weaponry, they were killed while fighting recklessly against bullets and gunpowder. Some historians believe they consumed drugs prior to get into the stage.

They would fight in a uncontrollable fury striking fear in the hears of those who they fought one-on-one. The Berserker was a viking warrior who fought in a bloodthirsty rage. | Vikings | o Infantry +10% HPs Feudal Age, +15% Castle Age, | Vikings are considered one of the worst civilizations. If there is no water, you can use type the cheat “black death” and everyone will die. If there is water, take to the seas before your opponents and keep them landed. Though both unique units are creative and fun, neither are powerful enough to be a game changer. Their weakness lies in their lack of defensive buildings and the weak archers and cavalry. The Berserker is a self-healing infantry unit. The Longboat is a lightly boat that fires arrows in quick succession. They do however receive two unique units, the Berserker and longboat. Because the Vikings were still underdeveloped, this civilization lacks many technologies. They have a strong and quick economy as well.

The Vikings are a pure infantry and naval team.